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Event Basics

Secret Santa! An event where people anonymously give gifts to one another, and the recievers have to try and figure out the "Santa" that got them their gift. The normal version is fun, but what if you could communicate with your Santa before even getting your gift (without ruining the surprise)? What if you could pretend to be someone else's Santa and trick them into thinking they'll get a completely different gift? That's what this module is for!

Participating in an existing event

If an event manager has added you to an event, all you need to do is use the /secretsanta message command (preferably in DMs with the bot).

Message Command

A quick-start guide can be found here!

If you're looking for a more detailed guide, go here instead!

Creating your own event

A more detailed guide for this will be created at a later date. For now, use /secretsanta create to create an event in a server, and then use the various /secretsanta manager commands to configure it. Don't forget to change the setting active to true once you're ready for your users to participate!